How do I find the MS SQL instance name on my Windows system?

Tell me about the MS SQL Instance

This is the instance name assigned to the TCP/IP port (by default this is set to MSSQLSERVER). This is NOT the host name that is assigned to the MS SQL Server instance name.

Not sure how to find the instance name?

For MS SQL Server 2000 - Launch the SQL Server Service Manager. Go to Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Service Manager. Locate the running MS SQL Server instance name (circled below in red). This is what you'll need to enter in the record.

MS SQL Server Instance Name in MS SQL Server 2000

For MS SQL Server 2005-2017 - Launch the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Go to Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Configuration Tools. Locate the running MS SQL Server instance name (circled below in red). This is what you'll need to enter in the record.

MS SQL Server Instance Name in MS SQL Server 2005-2017