Your Compliance Scorecard Report


Report Discoveries

Why should I run a compliance scorecard report?

Hosts Scanned and Unique Hosts Changed

How do I run it?

No Pie Chart for Total Hosts in Policies

Which hosts are included in the report?

Percentages for Technologies with Hosts Changed

Can I customize the report content?


Show me report samples


Why should I run a compliance scorecard report?

You can create compliance scorecard reports to:

- Report on multiple policies in a single report (up to 20 policies)

- Report your compliance score across selected policies for specific environments (up to 10 asset groups or asset tags)

- View current compliance status by policy, by asset group/tag, by technology and by criticality

- Include a breakdown of compliance status changes over a period of time

- Get a list of the top hosts and controls that changed during the time period

How do I run it?

Go to PC > Reports > Templates. Identify the compliance scorecard template you want to run and select Run from the Quick Actions menu. You'll be prompted to select up to 20 policies and up to 10 asset groups or asset tags to include in the report. Your report will include compliance evaluation data for the hosts that match at least one of the selected policies and at least one of the selected asset groups/tags.

Which hosts are included in the report?

This depends on your selections at run time. The hosts included in your report are those that match at least one of the policies selected for the report and at least one of the asset groups or asset tags selected for the report.

Can I customize the report content?

Yes, simply edit the compliance scorecard report template to choose which sections you want to see in your report. Go to PC > Reports > Templates, hover over any scorecard template and select Edit from the Quick Actions menu. Under Layout choose which sections you want to include. You can also filter out controls based on control criticality.

How can the number of hosts with changes be higher than the number of hosts scanned?

Under Report Discoveries, you may see something like 5 Scanned Hosts and 8 Unique Hosts Changed. This is because you can have compliance posture changes for hosts that were not scanned. It's true that we evaluate compliance posture for hosts when new scan results are available, but we also evaluate compliance posture when the controls in a policy are changed and when the asset groups assigned to a policy are changed.

Why don't I see a pie chart for Total Hosts in Policies?

The pie chart is not displayed when the % of Unique Hosts Changed is greater than 100%.

Why don't the percentages for Technologies with Hosts Changed add up to 100%?

Under Report Discoveries you'll see a list of technologies with hosts that had changes during the report timeframe. For each technology we show the number of hosts with changes, and what percentage of the changes apply to each technology. These percentages are rounded so the total may not add up to 100%.

For example, you might see:

2 Technologies with Hosts Changed
Windows XP desktop     12   92%
Windows 2003 Server      1   7%

In this example, 92% of the changes were for hosts with Windows XP desktop and 7% of the changes were for hosts with Windows 2003 Server.

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Here's a quick look at key sections in the Compliance Scorecard Report:

Report Summary

Compliance by Policy

Top 10 Hosts with changes